Art of Writing Tutoring Program - Comparative Literature
Art of Writing Tutoring Program - Comparative Literature
Built upon a program founded in 2014 by graduate student instructors, The Art of Writing Tutoring Program promotes UC Berkeley undergraduates’ success in writing, focusing on their acquisition of foundational skills in Reading & Composition courses. We offer free, one-one-one peer support for students taking R1A or R1B in the departments of Comparative Literature, English, Film & Media, and Rhetoric. Our tutors are department majors with proven writing skills. Tutoring is targeted and disciplinary-specific, responding to the parameters of R&C instruction and the challenges faced by R&C student writers in each department.
We're excited to work with you on your writing!
You are welcome to take advantage of this tutoring service at any point in the writing process: tutors will be available to help with the early stages of brainstorming and organizing, with drafts- and revisions-in-progress, and with sentence-level writing issues. Tutors do not offer copyediting or proofreading services, but they can help you identify patterns of error and stylistic weaknesses in your writing.
During your tutoring session, you and your tutor will work collaboratively to address your concerns about writing and the particular assignment you are working on. Please come prepared to be an active participant in a conversation about writing.